Year of yes. Shonda Rhimes. 2016.

Regular price $7.00

With three hit shows on television and three children at home, Shonda Rhimes had lots of good reasons to say no when invitations arrived. Hollywood party? No. Media appearance? No. For an introvert who ‘hugs the walls’ at social events and experiences panic attacks before press interviews, there was a particular benefit to saying no: nothing new to fear.

Then in 2013, Shonda’s sister Delorse muttered six little words to her: You never say yes to anything. Those words became a wake-up call - and a challenge. Soon thereafter, Shonda began her Year of Yes project: she committed, for one year, to say Yes.

Profound, impassioned and laugh-out-loudmfunny, Shonda Rhimes reveals how saying YES changed - and saved - her life. And inspires readers everywhere to change their own lives with one little word: Yes.