Following a series of unsolved attempted murders in the Southern California area, on December 11, 1966, a murder is committed in a blue-collar neighbourhood of Los Angeles. The victim is a pleasant young man with no known enemies. Sometime after midnight, the killer enters the house, shoots the young man three times in the head from point-blank range and twice in the chest, then sets fire to the house. The police have no murder weapon, no eyewitnesses, and no suspects.
Sixteen months later, again in Los Angeles, another murder takes place. This time the victim is a beautiful young woman, recently married, who is shot and bludgeoned to death in her Jaguar in the carport of a luxury apartment complex. Again, the police find no murder weapon, no eyewitnesses and no obvious suspects.
These two murders were the result of bizarre conspiracies rooted in passion and greed. Taken separately, the murders appeared unrelated, but they were linked by a single criminal mind. Shreds of evidence - jottings in an appointment calendar, suspicious bank transactions, a spending spree in Los Vegas - were the starting points of a fascinating investigation and a trial that generated more tension and unexpected reversals than the fictional courtroom dramas seen on television.