Half-Caucasian, half-oriental, Nicholas Linnear the Ninja - has returned to Japan, the land of his spiritual heart, it is here, where Nicholas usually finds serenity and beauty, that he watches his life careen out of control.
His relationship switch his wife Justine, has become increasingly distant, a situation as inexplicable as it is painful. His closest friend, Tanzania Nagani, remains out of touch as he fends off the demands of Nami, Japan’s powerful business coalition. And Nicholas’s dazzling computer technology has become the target of a heated political battle raging in Washington DC.
Wort of all, Nicholas finds himself shiro ninja, white ninja. He can no longer summon the discipline that enables him to live a life of honour and truth amidst greed and corruption. A shadow has fallen across the Moonlit Path, an enemy has seeped into his soul. Beset by doubts and fears he has never known before, Nicholas must grapple with a harrowing crisis of self.
And through it all, a perverse madman stalks the seamy streets and bureaucratic mazes of Tokyo, destroying anyone who stands in his way with deadly precision and otherworldly cunning. The one man who can stop him, Nicholas Linnear, is shiro ninja.
To expose the source of terror closing around him, Nicholas will have to reach back centuries to his own origins. For only by understanding the truth about his own nature and his ninja heritage can Nicholas restore himself. He must discover a new, higher level of power - a power he believed to be mythic but now knows to be real - if only he can learn its secret.