For a homicide cop, murder often started the day. For the mixed-race female sloppily wrapped in a tarp and stuffed in a construction site dumpster, it had surely ended hers.
Lieutenant Eve Dallas hasn’t even arrived at work when her first homicide. All of the day comes in. Known to the local cops as a sidewalk sleeper, Alva Quirk was well-liked but with no fixed address, no job and no family, there’s no one to remember her.
Eve has barely had time to examine the crime scene when her second victim of the morning is discovered just a block away. Make that second and third. A well-dressed young mother and her baby were shot and buried over forty years ago.
Two very different victims in the same location with no one to claim them. Coincidence, or does the history of the site hold the answer? To uncover the truth, Eve must delve into a world of family businesses, Russian mobsters and shady dealings. These two women may have been forgotten in their lifetimes but EvenDallas won’t let them be forgotten in death.