Deskbound: standing up to a sitting world. Kelly Starrett, Juliet Starrett and Glen Cordova. 2016.

Regular price $10.00

Sitting can wreak havoc on your health, and not just in the form of minor aches and pains. Recent studies show that too much sitting contributes to a host of diseases - from obesity and diabetes to cancer and depression. The typical seated office worker suffers from more musculoskeletal injuries than workers who do daily manual labour. It turns out that sitting is as much an occupational risk as is lifting heavy weights on the job. The facts are in: sitting literally shortens your life. Your chair is your enemy, and it is murdering your body.

Deskbound provides creative solutions for reducing the amount of time you spend perchednon your backside, as well as strategies for transforming your desk into a dynamic workstation that can improve your life. You will learn to:

  • Identify and fix poor body positions while sitting, standing and moving
  • Prevent, treat and resolve low back, neck, shoulder, wrist and knee pain
  • Avoid and reverse repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis
  • Stabilize your spine, hips and shoulders in a good position
  • Resolve pain and improve range of motion with 14 mobility prescriptions